
Hi. i am Jack Sebastian

Welcome to my website. Oh, and I really love


As part of my URS thesis paper in undergrad, I built a graph attention network (GAT) that can accurately classify illicit transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. Outperformed other popular binary classification models such as logistic regression, decision tree, multi-layer perceptrons classifier, and random forest.


I created a sports betting algorithm that implements positive expected value (positive EV/+EV) by taking odds from multiple sportsbook and determines when there is an "edge" over the book due to the line differences set by each book. The program will tell me the expected returns I get with the sports of my choice, with an obvious majority of bets having a negative expected value but yielding rare opportunities to make money.


As a developer of a student organization I was in called TAMU Datathon, I built a webpage on our website that utilizes OAuth2 to link a user's Discord account to their TAMU Datathon account. Built on top of Next JS framework and used React, Typescript, and CSS.


Our application allows the user to create an account, providing basic information such as their name, email, phone number, etc. (this information is stored for future references). After the user allows the application to access their location, Driversity can then enter Pickup and drop location from the Google Search API.

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Walmart Search Engine web scrapes thousands of products off of using Python's BeautifulSoup library and stores information on the product name as well as its description. We then use this information to help generate similar products on the website based off of what a user types in as a query for the search engine.

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Jackbook is my social media blog website created in Python. I used the Django framework and SQLite for the database. You are able to register an account, customize your profile, create, delete, and update posts.